Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stepping Out In Faith In Jesus!

I always get butterflies and all that when I have to go on stage and sing or do anything!  It's a lot better when there's somebody with me, singing or speaking.

After this most recent surgery, my recovery has been remarkably fast, praise the LORD!  And, I have been able to resume some of my duties already!  It's amazing!

But, it's still been a little while since I have played piano for church, or sang.  So, when it came time to go up there and sing (especially having to do a solo part!)  I was more than a little nervous. 

I am always thankful when, after they have read the Bible, that the prayer is a little lengthy.  It gives me time to pray and ask God to help me calm down.

Unlike other people that may get nervous, I actually feel the vasco-dilation of my adrenal glands shooting out adrenaline!  This time, it happened about 3 times.  I said, "Lord, there it goes.  I really need You to help me.  I feel unworthy to sing.  I feel afraid to make a mistake."

I felt that God would have me know something, something I would not have come up with - or told myself!

I felt that God was telling me not to have pride.  I am not proud of the way I look...the opposite is true.  I am not proud of the way I sing.  But, what I think it meant was, sometimes when we are having a great deal of fear about performing before a crowd, the fear comes from dreading mistake-making.  We don't want to be embarrassed!

So I just said, "Lord, please help me and help me bear in mind that if I mess up, it's not going to be as important to anyone as I think it would be.  I'm here for Your praises, and I'm just going to go up there and use what You have given me, and if I falter, oh well."

When I got up there, I could feel a little bit of nervousness in the back of my mind, but as the seconds went past, I got bolder and bolder.  I realized that there was a truth in this song that people could really benefit from.  I wanted to do my best for the live crowd, as well as the ones who would hear it on tape... I wanted to be loud and clear.  I tried to stay with the other ladies singing.

I did cough once, but I was able to smile and actually look at people. And that's saying something, because usually they say not to do that, because it's like being up high and looking down! LOL!

When the song was finished, I was so thankful to God in my heart for helping me, and when I sat back down, I thanked God in prayer!

I also had a little trouble playing piano.  Even though I'd been playing some at home, it's never the same!  But, the more I went on playing, the easier it God.  Bless the Lord!

Thank You, God, for helping me so much as I get back to being more involved again.  Amen.

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