Thursday, January 5, 2012


Tonight I watched a movie called COURAGEOUS.  It's about ordinary men who decided to become committed to being good fathers.I thought it was great! That's a big issue in this nation!

You know, I have never once asked anyone to be my Daddy.  Even though I grew up with many male roll models at a time, here and there, for a very short time.

And yet, as a child and as an adult, I have had more than a dozen pastors, I won't say who, many of which just out of the blue- told me,

"I don't want to be your father.  Your husband doesn't want to be your father.  He needs a wife, not a daughter."

I was always like , "What brought this up?  Did I ask you to be?  "

LOL@ The conversation would be about something else entirely.

But, at the same time, it is hurtful that someone would say something like that.

It's like, you may not want a cinnabon- you may not have asked for one, nor expected one, nor even been THINKING about one...

and someone interrupts your conversation about volkswagens to let you know, "I am not giving you a cinnabon.  I would not it I could.  Your husband only wants to use you for what he can get out of you, and if he had a donut, he wouldn't give you one."

It's confusing, and it's hurtful.

But, not so much to me, not anymore.

The more I think of how God has been a great FATHER to me, I know that no earthly mere man could have ever been enough.

And God knew that.

I wonder what my Heavenly Daddy thought of those pastors who said that weird statement?

I wonder what brought it up, and what in the world?

I don't think my hubby is my Dad any more than I think my shoe is my wallpaper.

But, to each his own.

Maybe it's in a manual for pastors or something.  Maybe I looked like a little girl in need of a father.

I have no idea.

At any rate, I love you Daddy.

When my father and mother forsook me, You took me up!

Please forgive the weird statements people made against me...

Help me to let it go, because I will never understand why they said that.


p.s. God , I'm still having a hard time letting go of pastor Mears calling me the devil, just because I had to leave out with projectile diharrea.  I'm sorry, Lord, but You of all people knew that it was coming! What is it with pastors not understanding that people have unexpected visitors?  Please bless those pastors with first-hand knowledge of how it can't always be held in. Amen.

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