Friday, January 6, 2012

I Can't Believe It!

It's already Janurary 6, 2012. Wasn't it just 2011?  Infact, wasn't it 'just' the 80's and 90's?  Wasn't I 'just' the 8 year old girl on skates?

Life's so short.

I am so amazed that time waits for no man. I am so blessed, Lord, that for someone with lumbosacralspondylosis, arthritic vertebrae, degenerative disc disease, narrowing of the something something, and all of that- that it's just NOW  that I am having a hard time. SURELY YOU ARE THE GOD!  Who kept me walking and lifting this long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am truly blessed!!!  Thank you LORD! AMEN.... Thank You Lord, that I will be able to get a very easy surgery done for these things.  Thank You that I have insurance, because I have been without it long enough in portions of my life to know how hard that is!  I am so blessed that it is unreal.  Thank You Jesus.  Amen!!

update??? 1/13

God has come throug with everything we need to get my surgery done!!!

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