Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why Do I Believe In God?

1. I believe in God because I am way too awesome to have been an outerspace explosion, several million years removed.

2. I believe in God, because just as an aquarium full of fish did not just "happen", neither did this world.

3. I believe in God because I have had too many prayers answered perfectly- ones no one but He could have known about!

4. I believe in God, because if He didn't exist, people would not hate Him so much.

5. People would not get so mad at those who believe if it were not so true.

6. I believe in God because when I was lost, He guided me to help.

7. I believe in God, because He loved me too much to let me remain as I was.

8. I believe in God because He always provides what we need, even when we're too lazy or backslid to ask for it.

9. I believe in God because I feel His presence at different times.

10. If the ultimate evil exists, so does the ultimate good!

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