Thursday, December 8, 2011

Predicting The Future

I know that the day will come when Mama is gone.
Probably, it will be alot sooner than any of us realize.
I know that I must plan to keep on keeping on,
Just as she did when her mother closed her eyes.

I can predict in this unpredictable world,
That all manner of ill fortunes could possibly arise.
Bankruptcy,illness, and death are all possibles.
No one is promised absolute safety, or even goodbyes.

The day will likely come to pass,
When my kids are grown and away.
It's the best that I can hope for,
With every passing day.

How much easier would it be,
To go through life in reality?
Like how one day, we'll all be passed on...
And to cherish each day until our final song?

Cheryl Riddle

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