Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Self-centered people drive me mad!

Not really, because I don't let them. But if I did let them, then they would!

I can't stand that some people are selfish, self-centered, and do little or nothing for others...
especially family and kinfolks they have. They seek power, comfort, and notoriety, etc... They're
always online trying to impress others or win them over - however you want to describe it-
but forget about those that love them and have loved and been there for them their entire lives.
They are trying to rekindle flames, make someone jealous, or prove something. These people are
going to be eternal followers, and not leaders. They will live out their short days doing whatever they need to to hide from truth, justice, equity, and GOD.

I can't stand it when I am talking to someone and they only want to speak about themselves, and if you should interject something about yourself, it is considered an abomination unto them
You may have few good friends that you've know for many years, but your family and your church should come first!  No, actually, God should come first.

People who used to love God are online doing and saying things that I just cannot bear!  to believe.

Facebook is a platform for us to kind of keep in touch with people that we otherwise would never have been able to find any other way.  People that used to be on our bus route.  People that used to WORK on our bus route.  People we still care about, but never get to see or hear from.

But, so often it saddens me to see the people and how far they've gotten from where they used to be!

Back to my point, though, facebook should not be the only way you ever hear anything about your family!

Better yet, if you are telling people on facebook before you call your kinfolks, there is something wrong!

Glad I got that off my chest.

(No this is not all recent stuff, and it is no one you know.,, SO... Go away, alarmists! You get on my nerves, too!)

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