Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Windshield Theory

Have you ever heard the saying, "Some days thou art the windshield, and some days thou art the bug."?

Too funny, right?

But, as a very ordinary person who simply seeks God constantly, I feel God grants me truths ALL DAY LONG when my mind is stayed on Him.

AND...I have a lot of truth God gave me on this last long trip.

I noticed that bugs hit the windshield a lot, and that if we wanted to get them off, it was up to us! 

1.  It was not our fault that the bugs hit the wind shield.  It was simply what happens- when you are driving on a highway in the Spring time!

2.  Our vision being obscured was not a flaw on our part.

3.  If we wanted our vision to be unobscured, it would take
-patience until the next rest stop.
-An active sacrifice of getting out and cleaning it.
-Even often a dependence on someone else providing the things necessary to clean it.

There are so many truths that can be gathered from this.

For instance, if you have a snob coworker who ignores you and snubs you constantly, no matter what you do, and it sometimes does get in your hair... what can you do?

1.  It is not your fault that their aggression and rejection offended you.  It's not your fault that they either see you as unimportant, or even worse as a threat to their objectives for world domination.

It is a natural reaction that anyone would get over enough time and pressure.  However, it is up to you to "go up into the mountains" and get alone with God for a good cleaning.  Unless ofcourse, you like your vision being obscured!

2.  One can almost never tell if pressing that windshield cleaning button is going to help or make things seem even worse.  This represents all the worldly and carnal things we do to relieve the pressures of life.

Not to mention that windshield wipers, batteries, and washer fluid is more expensive than prayer, and is far less efficient than a real cleaning.

3.  Every now and then, you need a total workup done, where you wash the entire car.  It's even more superior than regular maintenance... it just isn't always possible all the time.

4.  A cracked windshield is a bigger problem.  Sometimes it is something we can replace.  Sometimes we can't afford to do so.  Sometimes it may represent a bodily problem that will not be resolved until Heaven.

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