Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why Did God Allow The Holocaust

You know, I like the Hunger Games because it's exactly what would happen if God was taken out of the picture... almost like tribulation.  The Holy Spirit is gone, and God is no longer allowed in the picture.  Communism and socialism take over, and the poor remnant that can't agree with it will suffer.

People will be more self-serving, body-piercing, and comically dressed than ever.  Technology will be insanely expert, and entertainment and social status will be the god of the world.  Data trackers will be in everyone's arm.

It's a sad state.

Many times I have asked myself and others, and God Himself why - how? could He allow His people to endure the holocaust.

We see their bodies being bull-dozed into mounds and dumped into trenches; naked and one upon another.  We cannot believe our eyes.  Surely these people prayed for deliverance.  Why didn't it come?

But we didn't see it through their eyes.  The warmth of trusting and hoping in God shined a great deal warmer, no doubt, in those who lived every moment in God.

Their lives were sacrificed for reasons I may still not understand, but I do know this... that even though their bodies did not receive a good burial, the souls of the saved DID get received into the Lord's hands.

Instead of thinking about the suffering and the last thing they ever saw, let us think of the things God did do to help save them.  He saved their race.  He saved and helped them in many ways that we cannot dream of, even in the midst of imprisonment.  Those that passed away, fell right into His hands and arms, and woke up to glory... no longer needing that old body anyway.

The more times I go into surgery, and get "put under", it has given me (I think) a greater understanding of death.  I won't be conscious to care.  Once I'm in Heaven, I won't be thinking about how it went down, either.

We really can trust God with ourselves and with others.  Yes, even that little baby that may either live or die.  It's all in God's hands, and we can trust that He knows what is best.

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