Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day About Tattlers

Proverbs 11:13 "A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter."

God does not enjoy or like tattlers / tattle-tales / tattle tells

When you are thinking about "telling on someone", you need to use discernment.

1.  Would it help, or make it worse?

2.  Would it be a selfish act to flame up a fire that someone already previously had against that person?  Would I be trying to "further" myself and my agenda?

3.  Am I just blabbing things to get attention?

Worse yet, is when you are not one, and some actually think you are.

It's usually those who are tattlers, that like to try and find out some one tattling.

How dare they tattle without their permission!


How dare they backbite and not let me be the first they told!

Yes;Random thoughts I have all the day about this kind of thing.

Actually, it's not so random... nor is it some "newly- learned" thing.

In fact, I've had tons of fun throughout the years... and I have been intending to post it almost as long.

I like to play a game on tattlers called "Just Desserts".

I find out who is reporting things ( some times it is a lot of people, not just a few!)

This is not difficult to do.

1.  They have wide eyes.
2.  They look at you a lot, without talking to you.
3.  They especially look at you, with wide eyes, a lot, while you are talking to others.
4.  They hide under things.
5.  They hide behind things.
6.  They hide beside things.
7. Sometimes they just stand there with nothing or little to say while you talk with others.

Then you say nice things on purpose . . . but it often does not work, because very seldom do positive things get back to anyone.

You have to be careful what you say, and even what you "allow" others to say (is that even possible?) because it will always come back twisted and out of proportion.

But, with a little training, you can actually have fun with this!

When you know someone is poking about:

1.  Say off the wall things that could be interpreted many ways.
2.  Say things that could be about anyone, and make them strain to guess who it is about.
3.  If you think they have decided who it is about, let them assume it and run with it like mad.
4.  Do something completely out of character.  Sing an iffy song tune.  Dance a jig.  If you're lucky, they'll even record it!
5.  Most fun of all, get quiet, then turn to them, and start asking them questions.  This is really fun, if they did not know that you could SEE THEM OVER THERE! LISTENING!
6.  Whisper in the ear of the person close to you, then look at them, and throw your head back in maniacal laughter.

These are just a few of the fun things that you can do!


1 Timothy 5:13

King James Version (KJV)
 13And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.

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