Monday, April 16, 2012



The most holy of Christians won't even say anything that REMOTELY sounds like cussing!  Obviously God tells us not to swear, so although "I sware" and I sware in my wrath" are in the Bible, that's just an excuse to be evil.

But, just as a humorous alternative to cusswords, the following replacements can be used.

First, I was to preface this by saying that CUSSING IS WRONG, and FAKE CUSSING is almost just a s bad.

As Christians, we are supposed to BLESS and NOT CURSE!  Matt. 5:44, Rom. 12:14, I Cor. 4:12. I Peter 3:11... etc

I know for a fact that God does not like when people use His name in vain.  This can be done TWO WAYS:

1.  Living a life in church or out of it, after being saved, and NOT DOING FLIP FOR GOD. (But, still telling everybody you are a Christian)... or even not doing so!  Getting saved as a fire insurance, (taking His name) and not doing a thing that's good for Him afterwards.  That's the ORIGINAL taking HIS NAME IN VAIN!!!

2.  Calling out GOD!  MY GOD!  OH MY GOD!  And you're not "really" talking to God.

Although these phrases ARE BIBLICAL, they are not meant in that reference!!!

Having said that, if you are having trouble with your FOUL MOUTH!  There are some alternatives, not to replace it PERMANENTLY, but so that you might be able to use them on your road to recovery!

1.  Great day in the morning!
2. Gee- ahh!~  (Be aware that this could be traced back to interjections resembling the name of Christ which can not be used by Christians.  GEEZ. JESUS! GAH! GAWD!
3.  Butter and honey! Is. 7:15
4.  Gods of the nations! Psalm 96:5, Psalm 37:85. 

5.  Mercy for thousands! Ex. 34:7
6.  All manner of evil!  Matt. 5:11
7.  Kings eternal! I Tim. 1:7
8.  Think me a fool! 2 Cor. 11:16
9.  The Lord strong and mighty! Ps. 24:8
10. Third day in the morning! Ex. 19:16
11. Oh marvellous! Ps. 139:14 (Still sounds sarcastic!)
12.  World to come!
13. Hold fast!
14. Man alive!
15. Lands!
16. Woe/ Woe to you! Matt. 23:16
17. Shining Candles!  Rev. 18, Job 29 and others
18. Of a cloud!  Mk. 19:7 and Ex. 13:21
19.  Cryin' Stones!  (Luke, Hab, and Mark)  Still could be taken wrong!
20.  Flyin' stones!  Job 41:28
21. Lords and dominion! Is. 26:13

This is only a small list of options. MEANT MORE FOR A JOKE than actual life usage.

Thank you!

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