Friday, February 17, 2012

Vows To God

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Vows To God

Last night my preacher preached on keeping our vows to God. I have made vows to God. I fear that some I made during my younger years may have been forgotten.

I know that I vowed not to watch soap operas anymore back in the 90's. "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes" ____ not sure where that is in the Scripture, but I'll come back and fix it when I find it.

I also know that a time or two I talked to God about my hair length. I'm pretty sure I vowed to never get it short short. But I've foiled that at least a few times. But, then again, every time I try to grow it longer, it seems like I can't do a thing with it. But, a vow is a vow I guess.

I "promised to God" I would do what it took to stop complaining. I feel like that's probably a vow. Do you know how hard it is for me to not complain? When I've lost something, or when I'm afraid or highly offended, I would have to do so much more than bite my tongue! If there's any vow that I have broken time and again, it's this one.

It does no good to try to get my husband to get me out of it! He likes the sound of these vows, and doesn't want to take the fall for any of them. LOL!

But, you know what? Life's not very long. I'm starting to feel like life's not to long to keep your vows.

Part of me worries that there are vows I made and forgot, like I had afore-mentioned. But, God knows that it is possible for man to forget. And, if I remember right, my husband and I got together and prayed about this very thing. But, I'm not sure, because that's how forgetful I am!

These three vows are the only ones I can recall. I've prayed to God and asked Him to bring to my mind any I forgot. Sometimes I worry that I vowed not to eat pork anymore, but in my family that's difficult. Even my pastor eats pork. But, what if I did vow that? I've been messing it up all these years! (IF SO).

Sometimes I wonder if my lack of hair is God's curse on me for not leaving it long, but then I think "God couldn't be like that. No way. Too many short-haired , old ladies getting their prayers answered around here!" It must have everything to do with obedience and my heart, and not the mass of protein strands on my head.

If you have anything you'd like to add to this, please feel free to do so. But I do not allow insults and cussing. Objective point of views are also welcome, but realize that I am a fundamentalist Baptist, and if you're views are very different, it won't make any lasting change in me. My face is set like a flint for who I am and my beliefs.

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