Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stewardship Month- Whoopsies Before Daisies- PTC

The phrase that could be used to describe our Lord's parable in these verses is that "future necessity often drives us to seize present opportunity, and so it was with this unjust steward that when he was called to give account of his inactivity for the master, he devised a plan that would ensure his well-being if he were to be put out of a job.  Oddly enough, his master praised him for his resourcefulness instead of firing him for his deceitfulness.  The point being, that even financial "whoopsies" can grow into beautiful "daisies" if we will decide to learn from them.

Notice the following statements:

I. Everybody makes embarrassing mistakes.

II. Struggles in the area of finances.

III. Can use financial advice.

IV.  Has tried their OWN way.

V.  Can only start right where you are.

The silent killer in most churches is finances.


1.  Realize that God's responsible for supplying all of our needs.  PHIL. 4:19
2.  Promise to always give God what is His.  Proverbs 3:9, 10:22
3.  Make tusting God your chief goal.  Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 3:5.
4.  Practice financial improvements until your situation improves.
5.  Dteremine not to commit the same mistake twice.

Vince Lumbardi- something something

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