Thursday, February 9, 2012

More Wise and Random Truths Reaching Hearts With The Adoration ministry" PTC

Excerpts from: Reaching Hearts With The Adoration Ministry

"Adoration are the external honors given to God by His people that are accompanied with the highest forms of love, respect, devotion and reverence for Who He is."=stable

"Admiration is the wonder mingled with pleasing emotion; feelings stirred up by something rare; can be positive or negative."=on trial

"Abhorration is to extremely detest, hate, or despise; to cast off; reject, or neglect from being part of."=can't stand

"Approbation is the act of approving; a state of liking something presented to us with a degree of satisfaction or pleasure."=accepted

"Activation is the act of convertin into positive energy; to propel; to energize; to start of begin."=joins in

Let Us Remember the following three things in the ADORATION MINISTRY:

-Who you are adoring
-Why you are adoring
-To give your best.

"Praise ye the Lord, praise God in Hi sanctuary..." Psalm 150:1a

Eph. 6:7, Collossians 3:22

Don't be a failing musician.

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