Thursday, February 23, 2012

Home Schooling Poem

Being Mom is a task with all it's stuff, even if your kids go off to school!
But, being a home-schooling mother is tough, and you have to keep your cool!
Through countless printed documents, especially multiplication charts,
The work is hard every single day, and it tugs at your heart!

What seems like thousands of back-and-forth's, and wondering where something went,
Questions like, "What's the decimal for 3/4ths?" And all of the time that gets spent.
Of recesses and bathtimes, and even sometimes t.v.,
Of  cooking, dishes, laundry, and church house; strife and lost teeth.

Chores must be done, and attitudes will come,
Snacks and messes, strewn papers and crumbs!
Questions and painting, and little cut thumbs,
Sometimes a smile, sometimes minds going numb!

God will give credit where credit is due!
I'm glad I was able to teach everything to my younger two!
Teaching Darla to read, write, and to do her math,
Teaching all of that and then some to her sister a blessing hath.

So proud of my son, who's growing so tall,
One day soon he will be graduated from this all.
No more of this day-today that sometimes I take for granted,
I'll see much less of his face, and his words, so slanted.

And I know that they'll all go down the right path,
Praise to the LORD for making the barren to laugh!!!

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