Thursday, December 15, 2011


Choose the answer that best describes your response to the statements below. Be honest—manipulating your answers to make yourself seem more saintly is part of being a praise addict.

I feel giddy and "high" when I get lots of positive attention.

I can't stand to be just a face in the crowd: I need to stand out.

After the thrill of being praised, I soon feel anxiety, and set out to get even bigger doses of approval.

I'd be insulted or depressed if someone described me as "ordinary."

I often praise people to their faces, then mock them behind their backs.

I feel anxious when someone else is getting a lot more positive attention than I'm getting.

I often cope with feeling lonely by daydreaming about being famous.

Menial tasks are beneath me; I deserve to have such things done for me.

I can't stand being criticized.

I only feel good around people who know about my impressive deeds.

Hanging out with powerful, "connected" or famous people makes me feel better.

I feel intolerable shame if I perform poorly or do something badly.

No amount of praise feels like too much for me.

It devastates me to know that others have heard negative things about me.

I love to be praised even if it's for something I didn't actually do.

p.s. this isn't a working quiz.  There is no submit button because it's only meant to get you thinking.

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