Thursday, December 15, 2011


Today, I'm thinking about a word.  It is "am·bi·tion" 

[am-bish-uhn] Show IPA noun 1. an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment: Too much ambition caused him to be disliked by his colleagues. 2. the object, state, or result desired or sought after: The crown was his ambition. 3. desire for work or activity; energy: I awoke feeling tired and utterly lacking in ambition. verb (used with object) 4. to seek after earn
estly; aspire to.

Someone once said to me along the lines of "No one could ever be too ambitious".

I will always disagree.

You gotta work to eat and keep a roof over your head.  But, you need to realize that as soon as you're 6 ft. under, you're gone. More than likely, (even if you punched out a few books and a few kids), you will still only be lump sum -one day-  of some grandparent they "never heard much about". Your legacy will be that your grand kids are stuck in the same rut of wasting their life away, slaving to please their over-achiever parents the same way you have wasted your life.

What a gift to pass on!

I have always just been happy to be alive . Does that make me stupid? I aspire t cook and clean well, and take good care of my family- sure- but, I don't die if I didn't win something at the county fair!!!

I never felt that it was my calling to go to college and get a degree and "make a huge name for myself" in this world.

There is a lot of stress with that, and if one can do well without stress, then one needs to avoid stress as much as possible. Life is so stressful as it is, without burning the candle at both ends , trying to be somebody.

MAYBE IT SHOULDN'T, but it really bothers me when I see people who are trying to prove themselves to someone.  Sure, a child is doing fine if he or she wants to impress their parents.  I don't know if that should be a life-long goal, but to each his own.  Obviously, you have to attain higher if you want a "good grade" or a "better- paying job".  However, I'm just dumb enough to think that life is not about fame and fortune.

*World English Dictionaryambition (æmˈbɪʃən) — n 1. strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction 2. something so desired; goal; aim [C14: from Old French, from Latin ambitiō a going round (of candidates), a striving to please, from ambīre to go round; see ambit ]

Anyone I've ever known that did what this verse is talking about, was draggin their loved ones through the dirt to make certain everything was RIGHT. ON TIME. BETTER THAN NEEDED.  These people slapped the hand of their family, because the cake and the cookies and the fancy oer d'ourves needed to be perfect for "the company":

King James Bible - Proverbs 15:27

He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house;

Was "Going around striving to please" (someone)  and they were very unkind to them ones of their household... because they wanted to impress someone who they looked up to, or wanted money or praise, etc., from that person.

Just who is this visiting king who needs to be wowed?  Many would try to say it's Jesus, but Jesus is not the name of the person!  Special parties, days, plaques, and banners... all with human names.  I can see her now, in the living room.  She's laughing and smiling.  We never see her laugh or smile!!!  But she's trying to show forth being that lie, to impress the one she thinks will do for her.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.  I've lived it, seen it done, and it's the leading cause of arguments in most households today.  Households of families.  Household of businesses.  Even households of God.

Casseroles are burning, people are screaming, and feelings have been hurt beyond belief.  Then, when the company has arrived, all is peace.  Even though you're being neglected, glared at, and ignored.  All that matters is the company.  And there will be no apology later or thanks for all you did in preparation. 

***Origin: 1300–50; Middle English ambicio ( u ) n (< Middle French ) < Latin ambitiōn- (stem of ambitiō ), equivalent to amb- ambi- + -i- go + -t- past participle suffix + -iōn- -ion Related forms am·bi·tion·less, adjective am·bi·tion·less·ly, adverb pre·am·bi·tion, noun su·per·am·bi·tion, noun Synonyms 1. aspiration, yearning, longing. 2. goal, aim. 3. drive, force.

The way I see it is you are either living for self, or living for God.

Now, if you are the one getting the roses thrown at you constantly, then you are not giving God the glory!

How about this?  Do you give people alms in secret, or does everyone have to know about it?  Is it done in secret, or does the person get a blush on their cheeks, because you're tooting your own horn?  WHO are you really doing it for?

Lord, help us all to be sensitive to the fact that THE GLORY BELONGS TO GOD ALONE.

Most people do not have this as their one and only ambition.

If they did, you'd never know about it... other than simply knowing their character, and knowing they are going about doing good "somewhere" to "someone" unnamed.  Think about that.


Heavenly Father, hank You Lord for my wonderful life. I don't deserve the good things I have. Please, please help me to know that I can only change myself. Please help me never to become so focused on getting or doing more, that I mistreat the family or friends you've given me. There are people out there who work themselves or others to death, trying to get more. For some it's notoriety. For some, it's money. Please help them to learn to cherish what they already have. Please help me not to worry about others, but only myself. In Jesus Name I pray, amen.

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